Friday, October 8, 2010


Where do you put your trust?
Is it in yourself? In others? How about in God?

A recent journey has shown me that I place trust in all of the above. Trusting others is healthy. Trust after all is the foundation for a healthy and loving relationship. I am learning that trusting everyone with your heart and emotions is not something to be so open with...and...that my Mom is right.
I find it interesting that as a woman, women as a whole can be loving and nurturing or on the flip side..hurtful, mean, and well...spiteful. Now, not all are like this.....maybe just ones who need to do a self adjustment and work on their own issues first.

Judge others? Are you ready to cast the first stone when living in a glass house? If the tables were turned, would you want to be treated as you treat others?

Do not judge....its not your place. Leave that for God.
Do unto others....treat others as you would want to be treated. You want love in your life? Live life with love and it will be returned 10 fold.

There really are different levels and kinds of love. Having been married and happily divorced, I can see that love is different from love I have towards family, friends, and dating others. Love for God is an entirely different level. The absolute highest. So when you find that love in another......what would you do? Embrace it? Treat it so a new rosebud. Fragile yet painful. I learned when the feelings I had were not softened...and that one has retreated. Absolutely respect his space and where he needs to be. What will happen? That my friends....that is in the hands of God.

I am totally at His mercy.