Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Do you believe in mulligans?

"In golf, a mulligan is a retaken swing, usually due to a previously errant one. Like gimmes, mulligans are strictly prohibited in the official rules of the game, but are commonplace in social golf. Traditionally, mulligans are allowed only on the first tee shot (usually one per round) and are not just taken at any time of the golfer's choosing. Golf tournaments held for charity may even sell mulligans to collect more money for the charity.
Some social golf games also allow one mulligan per nine holes (thus two for a round of 18).
Some golfers also allow for the "rolling mulligan," which can replace a taken mulligan shot that is no better than the original shot. In other words, the player retains his or her right to play a mulligan later in the round-- thus the "rolling."" Wikipedia

Initially I was thinking about the phrase taking a mulligan due to a situation where I let others get to me which in turn, made me not at all act like myself. Instead of being my usual laid back and easy going self, I turned into someone who was overly nervous and over thinking everything vs going with the flow. Lately I have been thinking more about this and in a much broader sense.
Life really is a series of mulligans, of do-overs. You've heard the phrases..if at first you don't succeed, try try again...or how about..if you fall off the horse, pick yourself back up, brush yourself off, and get back in the saddle again, back on the horse. Not only is life a series of do-overs but also learning lessons from those situations. I know I have used my share of mulligans and will be using more in the future.

Perhaps one of the hardest to overcome is that of a marriage that ends in divorce. I know this is the first time I have talked about my divorce openly, at least in this format. I am hoping that by speaking about it, to let you, the reader, understand me a little better and also to learn from my past. I won't call it a mistake because I don't regret it at all. I'll attempt to keep this short because I know I could go on about this. Something tells me I will be taking this offline and just journal on paper.

Looking back over the last 10 years I learned a very valuable lesson, never turn your back on your internal voice. Although, there is a reason for my experiences over the last 10 years. I believe that people are meant to come into your life for a reason and without this having happened, everything else may never have too. No, don't regret anything at all. I am still working through so many emotions I did not expect to have, but am handling them very well.

Why be bitter? That is one thing I don't understand is when a marriage ends in divorce, there is so much bitterness and hatred. Why? Things did not work out for a reason. No reason at all to be bitter, that major negative feeling makes it so you don't move on. Most see the end as a sadness, for me I see it as a happy part of my life.

Happy, yes....This is a new beginning, a new chapter, and an opportunity to truly be happy and share my life with the one man who I truly am meant to be. It would really be unfair to pursue anything serious right now since I am still going through a bit of left over emotions that I just need time to process and let go. I know the man I asked for through meditation is out there, its just a matter of me being ready for him. Of course, I know that when my internal voice speaks up, I will be listening very well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Maureen. I believe my life has been one big "rolling mulligan"...and the more I live and learn the more obvious it is becoming to me that things are as they should be...but they don't have to remain that way. The choice to keep "swinging" is up to me.
